Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The English that I have had in the university has been a little different from the one I had in school, on the one hand the intensity and difficulty is almost similar since I was lucky to have teachers who had years of specialization abroad, during some months Teachers from the United States, Germany and New Zealand came to make classes at my school, all part of an internal program. On the other hand the way in which I have been learning English in the University is very different, since now we are given the opportunity to express ourselves freely in a blog, thus letting ideas flow more easily than in an exhibition.
I think that blogs are one of the best ways to learn and apply the English that is studied because you can try to explain an idea using all the English you know, and if you do not know how to express an idea correctly, you can learn it, let's not forget that every language is learned when it is used more freely, learning phrases that at first are of interest to the student.
Although I have learned a lot, there are things like a lot to improve, mainly the pronunciation, for me it is easy to understand English, but it is very difficult to express the dialect, I think it can be improved by singing, listening to music in English and then singing it , trying to say the phrase as the singer does, understanding what is obviously said.
My use of English is almost the same as when I left school, the difference is that now I understand more. I use it mainly when playing video games, since I keep them with the original language that is usually English, to try to learn more and not ruin the original voices. Another way I use English day to day is when I watch movies or listen to music. Fortunately, studying a scientific career took me to a world previously unknown, scientific journals, these are usually in English so it helps me a lot to improve in this language.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Nowadays the debt has to have the technological advances provoked by science in all the branches is enormous, for this reason I believe that in the program of the studies should take into account the relations of environmental conscience, the humanitarian type and the writing , this for all University careers of the scientific type.

The current curriculum of my career (Chemistry) has a mixed approach, both to work in a laboratory and the chemical industry, although this topic has greater relevance to the industrial approach. Unfortunately the academic load that the first and second year students have is that the number of subjects that corresponds to them in the first 4 semester to 7 semester branches, as long as you do not have to give a second time because if that number of branches increases to 8 (which was my case), although later this load, the stress that caused the first years can lead the student to make the most important decisions, for example, the number of branches that have students of biochemistry or chemistry and pharmacy only increases 5 per semester in the first 2 years, although later the academic load is increased is quite unfair that at some traffic lights, parents, parents, children, children, children, children, children, children, children, children, children, children, boys and girls. If all the students of a small faculty, with similar careers, we also have the same academic load per semester, they will leave things fairer at the time of taking the exams, since they will have fewer branches for the semester of free life to study, time that other students do not have to dedicate it to another branch.
Resultado de imagen para ciencia y ambiente 

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

What is your opinion about women in the army?
To be honest, the vision I have is about the army in general, both for men and women, the rejection I have against the army and any form of militarization that a nation has the stupid encounter. It is known that throughout history all wars have been for reasons that are far from welfare, all wars, at least the Chilean ones, have been for the benefit of the ruling elite, where they send innocent civilians to die. few or no benefits rescue from that war more than the loss of family and friends. I think having an army to impose respect is a loss of national budget, all the problems can be solved by the dialogue, without mentioning that we are all brothers, regardless of the place of birth so for me the issue of having to protect a border is not more than talk.
Resultado de imagen para no war Resultado de imagen para no war
What is your opinion about the legalization of marijuana and other drugs?
I find that legalizing any type of drugs is a good idea, as long as they are regulated and are accessible only to people over 21 years of age with their mental faculties available since every human being is free to do with his body what he decides, as long as you are aware of it, that is to say that psychiatric patients should not access them without medical and family authorization, after all the drugs produce a level of ecstasy that can make even small seconds of your life happy.
Resultado de imagen para drugs legalization Resultado de imagen para all drugs legalization
What is your opinion about the legalization of abortion in all 3 cases?
I completely agree with legalizing abortion in both its three causes and free abortion, each woman owns her body, although obviously the father has his opinion, this must be taken together. The population awkwardly believes that the mere fact of legalizing abortion opens a window for women to abort whenever they want, but this is not the case, the uterus suffers a lot when an abortion is performed, so these will be performed when they are properly needed and up to 2 months as it is in all countries that already have it legalized. Remember that all contraceptive methods fail, so consider these cases is extremely important.
Resultado de imagen para abortion legal
What is your opinion about immigration?
I believe that immigration is the best thing that can happen to a country, as long as those who arrive looking for new opportunities of life do so in dignified conditions, remember that we are all immigrants, our country was colonized in the first instance by Spaniards, and then they made colonization plans in the south. Also, if a compatriot migrates to another place, I would like it to succeed, therefore I think that giving a good stay to immigrants is extremely important, let's not forget that borders are something that only exists in maps, the cultural exchange that brings with it Immigration is very important to know other cultures.
Resultado de imagen para immigration Resultado de imagen para immigration

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

I am currently studying chemistry since I could not enter biochemistry, I was interested in that career because I could perform researching a possible cure for cancer since I am very interested in that area. But studying chemistry, I realized that I can develop in that area in the same way, since there is an area called Bioorganic Chemistry, in which molecules, mainly metal complexes are synthesized, to give them a medical use, especially to treat cancer. I would like very much to be able to carry out my research on this area in Canada or Germany, since these countries are pioneers in this area. My dream would be to be able to study in person in those countries and return to Chile and be one of the leading scientists to develop these disciplines in the country.
Nowadays my other goal is to be a professor of both college and university, so I would also like to pursue a master's degree in educational psychology in England or the United States in order to impose a new and modern educational system in the country, capable of generating a change educational real and quality since I find that all teachers should have in their curriculum meshes branches of a psychological nature, since teaching not only explain the contents but there must be a formation of individuals and people of good for our society.

Resultado de imagen para enseñar Resultado de imagen para enseñar

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

In 2010 two scientists from the University of Manchester discovered a new allotropic form of carbon, I mean Graphene, this is a laminar series of carbon atoms, which have the thickness of a single carbon atom.
 In recent years a series of applications that could facilitate life as we know it have been discovered, since it has utilities in areas such as medicine, electricity, military, environmental, food and technology.
The applications that are the most useful and eye-catching of this material are mainly in the field of medicine and the environment, in the first one it has been demonstrated that if the size of the pores present in graphene sheets is regulated, it can be created a kind of filter which can classify the DNA molecules by size, this is an incredible help. This is an incredible help for the researchers since it allows them to sequence the DNA at a much lower cost than the current techniques, which could allow a greater access to such medical analyzes in the population, as well as the effectiveness of this method is much higher than the current one, will allow to understand and study better genetic diseases, cancer and the human immune system. On the other hand it can be used in less invasive prostheses with the body since being carbon is completely incompatible, in addition its high electrical conductivity can be used in nerve tissues, spinal cord and to recover lost muscle functions.
In another area, graphene can be a very useful tool to combat pollutants mainly in water, but this time in its oxide form, graphene oxide, since it has been shown that nano sheets of this material allow only the passage of molecules of water and retaining other agents, this process will be very useful to desalinate seawater to make it drinkable, basically consists of a graphene membrane which acts as a sieve, as it allows to sift nano particles, as well as larger particles present in the sea water.
Today, work and applications are focused on the subject of chemistry, mainly in the form of synthesizing at low cost, and in this case the only disadvantage is that of this structure.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

In what I have lived I have had the fortune of growing up with an animal, which was and will be a fundamental pillar of my life, regardless of whether they are still alive or not with me. The first pet I had was a dog named Jack, when he was a boy he was very regalón but as he got older he became a grumpy old man. Then came my little dog Kayser, whom I love too much, so much so that when he abandoned us he went into an emotional duel that lasted 2 years in which I refused to receive another dog in my home. Finally my pepper bitch arrived, which is the first breed so it is something more special since whenever I see a dog of that breed think of it. But I was also accompanied by other animals that are still present in my heart, one of them is my turtle Crash, the chicken Pepe and the pigeon that was called dove, although they had a short stay in my home they gave me many moments of joy.
I could not choose a favorite pet because they all were and will be an important part of me, but because it is to whom I give my love today I can say that the pet that makes me happy is Pepper, a 3-year-old German shepherd of age, which unfortunately is sick today, but I know she will get ahead because she is a fighter. The truth is that his name is very rare and unusual, but we thought of putting him athena in honor of the Greek goddess that together with my brothers we love, but we thought it was very common, my sister proposed to put sugar since it was very sweet but out of nowhere I said "let's put pepper on it because when we cook it we're going to confuse it" and so on. This bitch is my whole life, she has given me many joys in recent years, she is also very tender, she only wants to play all day, I bought more than 20 rubber chickens because she breaks them and tears off her head, her tenderness, innocence and happiness fill me day by day.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Honestly I am not a person who has a vacation very often now that I am older, although when my parents force me to go out with them in summer or winter, since I am 15 or 14 years old I have decided not to go out with them and they fought Much I took my younger brother, but last year, in October, my mother, my mother, and I, I gave in Brazil with my brother in January of 2017 until the same year. That I was only with my brother, all the reciprocal responsibility in me and that is equally entertaining. In that summer we visited Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Buzios, although we had the intention of getting into the Amazons, we could not, we had money and because we did not have the necessary vaccines. At this time I did not take into account the great thing, since it was a city like Santiago, although a thousand times larger, we limited ourselves a lot at that time, so that at any point of interest we have to make a trip of at least 2 hours in bus because of the big city, in Rio everything was different, we took advantage of its beautiful beaches, we visited the heart of sugar and sugar bread, as well as a match in the mythical maracaná, in Búzios, a stay of a single day since It was part of a tourist package, but we were fascinated by the beach, you can forget the beautiful feeling of swimming in a depth of 30 meters in such clean and warm waters. A funny anecdote was when we returned to the house where we stayed in Sao Paulo we were playing pokemon We go on the micro and I got a brilliant pokemon, my brother got desperate because it was the first and we ran down to catch him for him, the thing is When I got there, it did not shine, so we stayed in a place that we did not know at night. Luckily, the bus went by no more than 20 minutes as a trip to the house. Another thing that I really liked was the power drinking alcohol on the public road without problems, since I was a rich man on the beach with a few beers and a beautiful view, although this is my brother when I was a minor I can not do many things, so that's what I had to do together with my brother.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

If I had the opportunity to travel somewhere in the world, my favorite destination would be Southeast Asia, in particular I would like to visit Thailand, as I would love to relax in its paradisiacal beaches of white sand and turquoise waters, I am also interested in this country given its great religious and historical relevance. I know that it is a country that depends mainly on tourism, which is very understandable as they present the most beautiful beaches on a global level, its culture also has Buddhist and Hindu influences, which makes it a culturally rich nation. What I would do first in this place would be to visit its beaches, but I would also like to lose myself in its innumerable religious temples, as well as walking at night on its beaches drinking coconut water. The truth is that I do not see myself living or doing any activity that is not pure tourism in this place since they do not have major developments in my area of ​​interest, if it is to live somewhere I would choose to live my life in Canada or New Zealand, since they are Very stable countries are great intellectual development.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

I have had English classes since the fifth grade, and they were always classes based on reading a text and trying to translate it, in the university I started with level two of English where the classes were based on improving our way of speaking in another language, once in level three of English I found a different way of studying this language, now played writing our thoughts and ideas in blogs, where the idea was to improve our way of writing ideas in this language. This new method I liked a lot, although I would not deny that it was very difficult for me to adapt to a new method since I had never applied it at such a high level. Despite that I think it's a very good way to improve our skills, in this course the truth at the beginning did not understand how to create a blog of clear ideas in another language, so I was forced to use the Google translator, because More advanced in the days of class I freed myself, creating blogs in a more fluid way without needing to use so much the translator. Although the topics covered in the blogs were quite entertaining I would have liked to talk about the failures in our lives, since failures are a fundamental part in the emotional development of people when learning from them or trying not to commit them again, despite them I insist in which the topics covered in the blogs were very entertaining.

Friday, August 10, 2018

The brain and nervous system in general are unique in humans, given its high complexity, great importance and difficulty to study it is that it draws my attention, especially the brain. This organ is connected to the spinal cord by the brainstem, these next to the cerebellum and the terminal nerves complete the nervous system. This system fulfills the function of generating the necessary synapses for all the systemic functions necessary for a good general systemic functioning.
The brain is subdivided into two hemispheres and also consists of various lobes which perform various intellectual and motor functions. This organ is located in the skull and is covered by a membrane to isolate it from blows called the meninx. This organ due to its great complexity has a large arsenal of very serious and difficult to treat diseases, these can be rather physical tumors, effect produced by drugs that deteriorate the gray matter of the brain or the same meningitis that is a disease that affects to the meninge, we also find diseases in the psychological field that affect the functioning, decision making and perception of reality, such as schizophrenia, polarity syndrome, asperger. All these diseases have different types of treatment and will depend on the degree to which it manifests, in general the psychological type diseases are treated by drugs to level the levels of endorphins and synapses produced and by psychological therapy, which they share in common all diseases is a way to produce it, not to use drugs and have a healthy life help a lot to avoid a large number of diseases, on the other hand the genetic factor plays an important role in the appearance or not of some syndromes.
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Friday, August 3, 2018

My favorite branch is the organic chemistry laboratory 1 since it is done on par with organic chemistry 1 so the practical classes are immediately complemented with the same laboratory. This branch is based mainly on the synthesis of organic compounds, we must also analyze the product that we synthesize through thin-layer chromatography (TLC) to see if the synthesized product differs from the precursor, on the other hand we calculate the melting point and boiling to verify the purity of the compound. I like it since they are very chemical theoretically practical then all our knowledge is reflected in each flask we use. Since it is a laboratory without a chair, the classes turn out to be 100% practical, this branch belongs to the department of organic chemistry and physical chemistry and is under the responsibility of Professor Vicente Castillo. We are 32 people and within them are two of my best friends at the university so the classes are very pleasant to share even if they are 2 min with them as future colleagues. This branch is very important in the basis for future chemicals since it represents an area that covers many research topics.

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