Werner Karl
Heisenberg was born on December 5, 1901 in Würzburg and studied at the
University of Munich. he was an active participant of the postulates for
quantum mechanics postulating the uncertainty principle, besides, he was in
charge of the scientific research of the German atomic bomb project during the
Second World War. Under his direction, an attempt was made to build a nuclear
reactor in which the chain reaction was carried out so rapidly that it would
produce an explosion, but these attempts were unsuccessful. He was imprisoned
in England after the war. He died in 1976.
Este científico me encanta ya que participo en la invención
de la bomba atómica y porque su postulado ayudo a explicar muchos fenómenos que
ocurren a nivel cuántico, fue gracias a sus aportes a la formulación de la mecánica
cuántica que me interese en estudiar química, además de que fue una mente que
trabajo y se nutrió de conocimiento al trabajar junto a grandes científicos como
Niels Bohr, Wolfgang Pauli y Arnold Sommerfeld.
![Bundesarchiv Bild183-R57262, Werner Heisenberg.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/Bundesarchiv_Bild183-R57262%2C_Werner_Heisenberg.jpg)
I am also Sagittarius ahah.